Onloop - Composition and Sound Research - Portfolio

ONLOOP – Composition and Sound Research  is a creative center at PUCPR University, responsible for the production of sounds, music and research in the area of ​​computer music. The nucleus was created by PUCPR professor Claudio Carvilhe with the initial objective of training music undergraduates to produce soundtracks. In the second half of 2015, the undergraduates underwent a training period in order to be able to develop music for digital games. Also in 2015, a partnership with Technology in Digital Games graduation course was established, making it an immediate first customer.

Since 2015, Onloop has been responsible for producing sounds and music for LAJE at PUCPR (Laboratory of Electronic Games). In 2016, it started a partnership with PPGIa in research involving sound and music producing. At the PPGIa (Sound Research context) several students completed their master’s and doctorate degrees in the research line of Computer and Music Technology. 

Onloop’s primary mission is to train undergraduate students to work in the area of ​​sound and music production, with emphasis on sound design and composition for digital games. The students, during their trajectory in the group, develop projects of gradual difficulty, with the most experienced participating in more complex projects aimed at real customers.

This portfolio includes several sound-musical productions developed at the nucleus since its creation.


This brief portfolio presents the group’s sound-musical productions: digital game sound, music tracks developed for contests, soundscapes focused on the 360, AR and VR video experience.

Game Sound
and Music

(for Movies)

360 4K, AR, VR



Laggernauts is a crazy local multiplayer game. Live the battle between two factions with your friends… or enemies! Your objective is to destroy the enemy faction’s home planet, using only a bomb and inertia in your favor. Your biggest nemesis? Bad Wireless connection! Are you up to the task? Unity Developer Award Winner 2018. More
Chess Champions is a very fast paced top down action game, where you play as a chess piece trying to get back your kingdom from the evil Otherpieces. Soundtrack received SBGames 2018 Honorable MentionMore
Merc Wars is a real-time tactical game that mixes tower defense, adventure and RPG best features into a fierce action journey. Advance through a battleground full of fierce and dangerous enemy waves, using the best strategy to conquer status, honor and glory! More

O caminho do guerreiro (Warrior´s path) tells the story of a samurai during mythical feudal Japan, with monsters and legends. Uses as an aesthetic differential a representation of painting sumi-ê (traditional Japanese black and white painting) in assembling the game’s graphics. The ink “splashes” give the impression of a trace of brush or drops of paint.

Terraform is a 2D sidescroller exploration game in which the player encounters various monstrous creatures of fauna and flora. In Terraform you are an astronaut who crashes on an unknown planet and needs to find a way to repair his spaceship and go home. It is an exploration game in which the player will go through the various environments of the planet, find corrupted creatures and discover the origin of the corruption. More

Adore is a creature collection action game, where the main character, Lukha, is able to summon and control creatures to fight by his side in a simple and innovative way.
Adore won Best Game Award at Big Festival 2019. Music producer Alan Medeiros was the sound designer for the project officially launched on Steam. More
Avatar is a game that is part of the Ônibus Museu (Bus Museum) project and was developed by Solar do Rosário with support from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and the City Hall of Curitiba. In this experience, the user creates the avatar that will be part of the station’s scenery, informing their characteristics, age and preferred game to survey the profile of the children who participate in the tour on the bus. More

Puzzle is a game that is part of the Ônibus Museu (Bus Museum) project and was developed by Solar do Rosário with support from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and the City Hall of Curitiba. In this experience, the user chooses one of several neighborhoods in the city, including the neighborhood where the bus is located, and solves a puzzle with the format of the neighborhood map, where illustrations of some important cultural points appear. More

Soundtracks developed for contests

360 4K, AR e VR Experiences

Via Sacra 360 is a virtual experience with the goal of cultivating spirituality and reflection in the PUCPR community. Using virtual reality glasses, participants were able to interact with the 15 stations of the Via Sacra. Several meditation sessions were open to the general public as an invitation to reflect on Lent: a moment of serenity and contemplation of the mystery of faith.  More

360 4k Tour at the Oscar Miemeyer Museum (MON) is an experience where the user takes a 360 4k virtual tour at the MON – Museu Oscar Niemeyer in Curitiba using virtual reality glasses or an app on a “tablet” with some additional functionalities. The “Ônibus Museu” (Bus Museum) project was developed by Solar do Rosário with support from the brazilian Ministry of Culture and the City Hall of Curitiba. More

360 4k Tour at the Paranaense Museum (MUPA) is an experience where the user takes a 360 4k virtual tour at the MUPA – Museu Paranaense in Curitiba using virtual reality glasses or an app on a “tablet” with some additional functionalities. The “Ônibus Museu” (Bus Museum) project was developed by Solar do Rosário with support from the brazilian Ministry of Culture and the City Hall of Curitiba. More

360 4k Tour at the Municipal Museum of Art (MUMA) is an experience where the user takes a 360 4k virtual tour at the MUMA – Museu Municipal de Arte in Curitiba using virtual reality glasses or an app on a “tablet” with some additional functionalities. The “Ônibus Museu” (Bus Museum) project was developed by Solar do Rosário with support from the brazilian Ministry of Culture and the City Hall of Curitiba. More

Programa de Meditação PUCPR 360 (PUCPR 360 Meditation Program) is an introspection experience using virtual reality. In 2019, PUCPR’s Institutional Identity Board made available to the PUCPR community moments of immersion using sounds, music and images in VR in order to stimulate the practice of meditation.

Arena VR PUCPR is a virtual reality experience, made up of 13 videos covering the most diverse topics: tips on how to behave in job interviews, a tutorial on electronics, a guitar lesson, a tutorial on unity, a lesson on notions basic lighting, etc.

Success Stories

This section is intended to present some successful cases: students that during their journey at Onloop, became music producers and sound designers and now work in this market. Some created their own companies and/or participated in game launches in large companies as responsible for the production of sounds and music.

Fobia – St. Dinfna Hotel is a first person psychological horror game focused on environment exploration, survival and puzzles solving. More

Producers Giulian Felipe MarcocciaGabriel Oliveira and Caio Vidal developed the complete sound production of the game Fobia. Upon release, the game was at the top of the world’s bestseller list on the Steam distribution service.

Here is the teaser from the Playstation official channel.

Super Pads is a free easy-to-use DJ app. You can play famous songs, create your own music and feel like a real beat maker. Super Pads has over 100 million downloads. More

Producer Luiz Barone was part of the team responsible for producing sounds and music for Super Pads apps (Super Pads, Super Pads Lights and Kondzilla).

Real Drum is a quick way to practice and learn drums on your phone/tablet. Now you can play any song anywhere! Feel your fingers transform into drumsticks. Excellent for anyone who is passionate about the instrument and music. Real Drum has over 100 million downloads. More

Alan Medeiros is the music producer of the most downloaded Brazilian music app in the country.

Super Pads lights is a member of the Super Pads family. Now you already can create your own remixes and choose the light effects for each pad. More

Producer Luiz Barone was part of the team responsible for producing sounds and music for Super Pads apps (Super Pads, Super Pads Lights and Kondzilla). Super Pads apps has over 100 million downloads. More

Kondzilla is a free easy-to-use DJ app. Be the DJ of your neighborhood! Play the best funks in Brazil with the new Super Pads + KondZilla family app. More

Producer Luiz Barone was part of the team responsible for producing sounds and music for Super Pads apps (Super Pads, Super Pads Lights and Kondzilla). Super Pads apps has over 100 million downloads. More

Super Drum simulates a real drum that allows a real drummer experience. Whether to learn, practice or just enjoy, it is complete and easy to play. More

Producer Luiz Barone was part of the team responsible for producing sounds and music for Super Pads apps (Super Pads, Super Pads Lights and Kondzilla). Super Pads apps has over 100 million downloads. More

Dodgeball Academia is a vibrant, quirky, and fun sports RPG that offers a lot of depth and content. More

Producer Leonardo Lima was responsible for the full sound production of the game that was released for PS, XBOX, Switch and PC.

Eternal Hope is a puzzle platformer game that follows the story of Ti’bi – a boy who must embark on a journey of love and hope to find his beloved’s soul. More

Producer Gabriel Oliveira developed the complete sound production of the game that was released for XBOX and PS (More).

Under domain – Alien Invasion Simulator is a Brazilian indie turn-based strategy game developed and distributed by Playlearn. More

Producer Luiz Barone developed a soundtrack for the game.

Dungeon Drafters is a world where magic is cards and cards are magic. Play as a young adventurer, eager to explore ancient dungeons and find long-forgotten cards to build the legendary spell deck that could defeat the one wielding the forbidden cards the entire world fears!  More

Producer Gabriel Oliveira is a member of the sound production team of Dungeon Drafters. 


Startup com vc (Startup with you) is a podcast aimed at exchanging knowledge and experiences with regard to entrepreneurship. Addressing subjects ranging from finance to business management, the show is currently in its fourth season. More

Producer Giulian Felipe is responsible for the sound production of the Startup com vc podcast program. 


Music Production
Claudio Carvilhe
Diego Pontes Floriano
Gabriel Cadenas
Gabriel Oliveira
Giulian Felipe Marcoccia
Leonardo Ereno
Luiz Barone
Leonardo Lima
Tiago Brandão


Sound Design
Bruno Klim

Caio Galani
Gabriel Rieper

Helena Tavares Lima
Matheus Dantas
Rubiana Rosa

Sound Programming
Claudio Carvilhe
Henrique Iolando Theodorowicz

Johnny Stiwerson Rodrigues
Thales Meretti

360 4K, AR, VR
José Geraldo Lopes de Noronha Filho
Claudio Carvilhe

Claudio Carvilhe
